Junior Tech


As Junior Tech, you are a fully educated hair dresser, finished your trainee period which is no less than one year and master most techniques within the hair dressing profession.

At Noir Stockholm they will continue to build their experience through practising their techniques on a daily basis to be able to do their apprentice’s examination, and to then get their final hair dressing license.

You do this by completing a certain amount of working hours to get the complete vocational education.

Noir Stockholm has incredible high standards and we always strive to evolve, inspire and create bigger knowledge, even for the hair dressers who have reached beyond Junior Tech, and stepped up to higher levels.

According to us you’re never really fully educated - you can always learn more.



Trainees are under education and are not hair dressers yet. Booking your treatment with a trainee will usually take a bit longer, and they will be guided by one of our higher level hair stylists during the visit. If you’re making a bigger change/transformation we recommend you book with one of our stylists or higher level.